Photographer Fine Art Pictures of Birds in Flight On White Background

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Meet the photographer who captures the beauty of birds' flight paths

Xavi Bou'southward stunning fine art encourages united states to meet birds, and life, from a unlike perspective. Nosotros interview the Barcelona-based photographer who uses the sky equally his canvas to reveal the beauty of flight.

Past Mireia Peris

Xavi Bou is a bird lensman who doesn't accept pictures of birds.He takes pictures of flight. And in doing and then, his stunning artworks inquire us to retrieve beyond the pure beauty of birds' movements. Dissimilar other forms of motion analysis, which take a purely scientific approach,Ornithographies combines science with art, moving away from early on chronophotography techniques used by photographers such as Etienne-Jules Marey or Eadweard Muybridge. Seeking a balance between information and inspiration,Ornithographies is a project of nature discovery and, at the same time, an exercise of visual poetry.

First of all, why birds?

My grandfather shared his passion for nature with me from when I was a little boy. He used to take me on his daily birdwatching walks in the Delta del Llobregat, and taught me virtually birds and wildlife.

About eight years ago, I saw a mitt print while hiking in a wood in Catalonia and I asked myself: "What kind of tracks would birds leave while flight?" I started imagining lines and shapes while they soared through the sky, and thought: "How can I make the invisible visible?"

Ornithography #34: Yellow-legged Gull, Barcelona, Spain © Xavi Bou

How didOrnithographies outset?

I was filming a couple of seagulls flying around the gunkhole on a SEO/BirdLife birdwatching trip along the Catalan coast. While editing the video, I noticed the wave patterns they made with their wings, and I was mesmerised. Nosotros could say that was my 'eureka moment': after a decade of trying to discover an inspiring personal project that was firmly linked to something I was passionate about, I had found it. AndOrnithographies was born.

I did not want to take conventional wildlife pictures. Alongside my scientific career, I come from an advertising and artistic background, then I enjoy experimenting with the process and wanted to offering something innovative. I believe that, in the artistic arena, we demand to be inventive and not anchored to the past or to established art forms.

Preparing the project involved more than 5 years of trial, mistake and technical report. I discovered that I needed to tape the birds with high resolution cinema cameras and knit thousands of photographs into one epitome to accomplish the desired effect. My technique, despite existence digital, resembles counterpart photography in that I can't see the final result until the stop of the process. Once I understood the methodology, I focused on birds and their different flight patterns.

How did you feel at the beginning, when everything was new?

During the early years I was in a constant land of discovery and fascination – and I all the same am, as birds constantly surprise me. I remember going to Aiguamolls de l'Emporda – a pop destination for birdwatching trips in the northeast of Spain – on a very hot summer mean solar day and spotting a group of storks. 1 of the biggest challenges of my technique is that I practically don't see annihilation when I frame the camera, because I prefer to record from afar to get the whole movement. So I gear up up my cameras and started recording the storks' flight.

To my surprise, when I merged the images, I realised the storks were flying inside thermal currents and making perfect, cute shapes that looked like ribbons flight in the wind. I also realised that the movements I seek to create for my artwork are, at the same time, a clue for those who wish to identify bird species better.

Ornithography #178: Murmuration of Common Starlings with Peregrine Falcon, Spain © Xavi Bou

Do you take a favourite species to work with?

The species I currently enjoy most are swifts, which are my favourite birds (when they drift, I experience the city gets emptier), and starlings. People consider them common and don't pay them much attending, merely I would encourage anybody to analyse their flight and behaviour. These birds have complex flight styles and move in flocks, which enables dissimilar social interactions like seeking protection from predators, feeding, socialising etc. All this allows me to get very interesting results, while adding a sense of challenge to my work.

My project is non a study of movement as an assay of bird morphology. I desire viewers to carelessness rationality and, when the shape of the bird vanishes, to perceive life. This is the virtually innovative part of my project: I am exhibiting movement through photography and irresolute the perception of time through birds.

Normally wildlife photographers aim to show the animal, not brand them disappear…

Personally, it is very important that the shape of the bird has vanished in my pictures. Viewers and then face up a mysterious, organic effigy. Nowadays it is strange for us to exist in front of an unknown shape, and the beauty of this project is that it allows a viewer's imagination to wing! Depending on each person's visual and personal background, the prototype looks like 1 matter or another. For example, in this image [seeOrnithography #41, superlative of page], people have asked me if information technology is a digital painting or a picture of bacteria through a microscope!

I have been contacted past choreographers, mathematicians and architects specialising in biomimicry – scientific discipline that studies nature's models, designs and processes, so imitates or takes inspiration from them to solve human being problems – because they have been inspired and interested by the move or shapes of the images.

Ornithography #112: Black Kite, Tarifa, Kingdom of spain © Xavi Bou

Accept yous had whatsoever experience with bird migration?

The migration of birds is, for me, the flightpar excellence. A living being that, in lodge to improve its living weather condition and follow its instinct, decides to wing unthinkable distances through different continents facing all kind of threats deserves all our admiration. My dream is to travel to unlike sites of migratory importance to be able to photograph the magic of bird migration and support bird conservation.

I once went to Tarifa, in the due south of Spain, to photograph birds migrating to Africa. It was very windy and Africa could not exist seen due to fog over the ocean. I was amazed because I could witness how birds paused their migration, patiently waiting for the strong winds to laissez passer. I went to a field where I saw hundreds of Black Kites waiting for the right weather atmospheric condition. Early in the morning, they would rise and fly against the current of air to check the 'weather forecast'. If you encounter unusual shapes in this picture [meetOrnithography #112, higher up], the up and down movements are because they 'suspended' themselves in the air and, when the conditions were good, they turned around in a loop and started their migration journey.

How tin can people go more inspired past nature?

I would like to encourage people to appreciate common birds and, from time to fourth dimension, have a break and expect at the sky. Nature has the chapters to surprise and astonish u.s.a., taking us dorsum to a curious, innocent mind-set. Birds connect people to nature, and by observing them without expectations, just for the joy of it, we can enter a state of mindfulness.

Ordinarily, when photographers take a project, they dedicate some time to it and and so jump to the adjacent i. I am very proud of giving this one continuity as my 'life project'. Personally, thanks to birds and nature I constitute my ain fashion – I want to work on it and I still feel they will provide me with plenty more things to discover!

Ornithography #33: Griffon Vulture, Valderobles, Spain © Xavi Bou

Recently, Xavi Bou has expanded his piece of work to video, creatingMurmurations, where we can witness how starlings join in flocks of thousands, performing a mesmerising dance in club to confuse the falcons attacking them, and painting the sky with their moves. Whilst Bou's art walks manus-in-hand with science, his images no longer prove reality as we know it. Instead they allow us to witness moments that stand for the past, nowadays and time to come all at once – that's a powerful idea to consider at this crucial turning point in our planet'southward history.

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